how I keep my creativity flowing ~
In a world where we are bombarded with unsettling news, it sometimes gets difficult to tap into our creative forces. It is time to realize that with these modern lifestyles, we need to proactively take measures to mentally prepare ourselves to show up in life. If you are looking for ways to inspire yourself to do creative things, I am going to share with you some quick solutions that work for me.
Create a plan and stick with it. Schedule a time for creativity on your calendar and really commit to it. If you tell yourself this song should be done in an hour, then you subconsciously generate that content to meet your expectation. Keep this time slot free of distractions and intrusive thoughts that want you to leave your work unfinished.
Meditation & EFT Tapping. I know meditation is a no brainer, but EFT tapping might be the underrated one. When you do EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), your bad vibes get shaken off your body and because you are saying powerful affirmations at the same time, they are replaced with good vibes and great sacred energy. Try to customize your affirmations to your needs of that day and actually say them out loud! Try to feel authentic as possible when saying them.
Take advantage of your emotional roller coasters. If you are going through a rough time, if you are hurt, angry, shocked…or even happy and full of life, take advantage of those rushes of emotion to create art with. You can almost always come up with an image, idea or sound from your imagination during those times. It’s kind of like therapy!
Have a sketchbook. Just letting yourself run wild and free with a pen on a paper that is only yours to see is a great way to get into the flow. I used to put my pen on paper and let it run for itsself. I was always shocked to find that my hand could draw without me really telling it to! Who was moving the pen? I believe it was the flow of life through me. Try it for yourself. Do not overthink any of this and just tap into creativity! Creativity comes when the mind stops thinking.
Record everything when inspiration hits. If you don’t save the idea, it is most likely gone. When we are inspired, it is as if we see a whole picture, how it feels and what the details are. It is best that we record as much as we can in that moment to have oursleves an authentic piece rather than something engineered. I keep so many voice memos in my phone and usually end up using them when I am looking to start a new song, or need a catchy hook etc. Don’t be lazy and if you need to go get your phone before you start playing and brainstorming, know that it’s 100% worth it. Your ideas are your gems and wealth in this life.
Take care of your life first. If you are struggling with day to day life, need to pay the rent or take care of your health, make sure you do that first. Loving yourself first will open a lot of new doors for you. Essentially as a songwriter you need to have so much self love that you truly love your own songs and see yourself worthy to be a successful songwriter.
Know that creation is your divine right and essence. Your are a part of this universe and the universe is ever-expanding. There is no way that you don’t have any creativity. If you are an alive human being, you are constantly creating whether you know it or not. What you need to learn is how to TAP INTO this creativity. Let me tell you it starts by giving it a go!
Do you have any tips to share on creativity? Keeping a healthy mental state is super important so lets keep supporting each other. Leave your comments and watch the full video on How To Keepy Creativity Flowing below.